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1 day
Ended .
Reason for block:

Hello again,

Following on from we’ve had another complaint about the way that you map things, and from looking at it’s far from the only one.

Unfortunately, some of what you’re doing is beyond “a very unusual mapping style” and is just wrong.

For example, is a private driveway that isn’t connected to anything - that simply does not reflect reality.

The “car parks” that you added such as aren’t in any real sense car parks (even if marked as private)

On you removed footway=sidewalk (which is surely a valid tag here) and added bicycle=dismount (which is implied by the other tagging already).

Previously I wrote:

If you believe that the advice that you are being given is incorrect please discuss at .

When I asked last time, you did join the discussion at (thanks for that) but it’s fair to say that there wasn’t a meeting of minds. It looks like you’ve ignored the good advice there and have carried on in the same way that you always did. This is not OK.

Previously I also wrote:

OpenStreetMap is a collaborative project and we have to work together to create the best map. It is neither your personal project nor mine nor anyone else’s - we have to agree on how to map things.

Because you seem determined not to follow that advice we’ll have to prevent you from mapping for a short period of time. If you’d like to continue before the block expires, please email with a subject line of “[Ticket#2022082810000151] obyrnegps” promising to work with, not against, the local community, and we’ll revoke this block.

Best Regards, Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM’s Data Working Group